
Tele-Health • Tele-Medicine • Tele-Pharmacy

TelePharmaTec srl is a spin-off of the University of Camerino, born with the aim of developing, producing, researching and marketing innovative products and services of high technological value, in the field of remote assistance and telepharmacy. Under the name of teleassistance and telepharmacy fall all those services and methods that allow to provide remote health and pharmacological assistance, thanks to the use of the most modern and updated technologies at our disposal. These services may include: patient advice, monitoring of drug therapies, control and compliance of registries and certifications, specific laboratory and remote exams, etc … The company operates both nationally and internationally, thanks also to the collaboration with important national and international partners. All in compliance with the regulations in force in the sector and in the field of data protection.

What We Do

Company Services


A unified effort to make Maritime health care more Proactive. A 24×7 Medical support manned by qualified doctors, Health Tracking, Electronic Health Records, Sick Bay Management, Medical Chest Supplies and Certification – these help deliver cost efficiencies and Healthy Ships.

Our eco-system integrates all efforts involved in the health of the seafarers, providing continuum of personalised care onboard and informed assistance in the Golden Hour.


The world has become increasingly connected and is always on the move. Therefore there is a growing need for using technology to bring healthcare to ones fingertips. There are apparently over 350,000 health, wellness and medical apps in the market. The growing use and dependence on wireless technologies has forced Medical service providers to rethink strategies on care.

At Telepharmatec S.r.l our solutions revolve around the concept of Anytime Health. Our services focus on taking the medical assistance to the individual.


The Integrated Tele-Medicine (ITM) is our hallmark product which includes the integration of our products in addition with the expert medical assistance services provided by a network of quality healthcare providers.

The solution includes a secure Medical Request Module and quick tips on what to do in case of medical issues. Currently this product is focused to the Maritime Industry where seafarers on-board with no-access to a doctor seek medical assistance.


Health passport

A digital footprint of your health that allows you to track and monitor your health and lifestyle. A repository for your medical reports linked securely to your care provider.

Point of care

The patient management system for doctors and pharmacies serving as point of care enabling seamless sharing, follow-up, prescription management and lots more.

Medical kiosk

An integrated solution that providers its users to measure their vitals and seamlessly link with their health passport to provide greater insights on their health.


A comprehensive tool of various flag states with detailed comparison and an integrated platform to manage the Sick-bay on-board with support from a trained Tele-pharmacist. 


As a digital healthcare provider with a qualified team and dedicated partners, Telepharmatec’s mission is to provide reliable and quality healthcare in an accessible, affordable and appropriate manner, anytime and anywhere. To the core of our success lies the efforts of an experienced, highly skilled and dedicated team. The brings the confluence of Medicine, Pharmacy, Bio-Medical Engineering, Marketing and Business all driven by the common passion to make healthcare more accessible.

Prof Francesco Amenta

Prof Francesco Amenta

Dr Giulio Nittari

Dr Giulio Nittari

Co Founder
Antonio Arcese

Antonio Arcese

Co Founder
Dr Graziano Pallotta

Dr Graziano Pallotta

Co Founder
 Vincenzo Del Regno

Vincenzo Del Regno



Our associations with experienced players in various areas of Healthcare services enable us to go above and beyond in the services we offer.


The University of Camerino (UNICAM) is located in the green heart of Italy, Camerino. UNICAM dates back to 1336 when it was founded and officially recognized by the Pope in 1727. The University offers best in class education with a strong focus on quality teaching, scientific research and new age technology. The University is known for its international outlook, and various streams.
CIRM Servizi Srl

CIRM Servizi Srl

CIRM SERVIZI is the spin off of Centro Internazionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M.) which founded in 1935 to provide medical care to seafarers on board vessels without a doctor on board, of any nationality, sailing on the seas. CIRM SERVIZI focuses on using modern technologies to further enhance the reach and effectiveness of the medical care being provided to seafarers since 1935.



Via Madonna Delle Carceri 9, Camerino, Italy.

© 2024 Telepharmatec Srl